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2004-06-15 - 6:59 p.m.


a work of fiction by Julie


May - June 2004

Chapter 1 -- The Politics of Dancing

Clay pulled into the nearly-empty parking lot and into a space facing away from the windows. He hit the button for the dome light and checked the business card one more time. DanceSpace�yeah this is it, I guess. This better not be another one of John's setups. Or one of his jokes. He sighed as he turned to look at the building. It was too small to call it a strip-mall, but that's pretty much what it was. A Christian bookstore and a little dance studio, and it looked like the studio was pretty much closed at this hour�one woman sitting at a reception desk in the front, and another woman in the studio. He could barely make her out through the blinds in the large windows that spanned the front of the studio, but he could see that she was dancing. I wonder if that's her?

He turned off the dome light, took one more deep breath, and got out of the car. As he strode towards the front door, the woman behind the desk saw him, and came to the door to unlock it.

"I'm sorry, you�re not closed, are you?"

She smiled, holding the door wide for him. "Usually at this time of night, we would be, but you're the nine o'clock, right? Holly's in the studio." She motioned towards the sliding wooden doors across from a long bench. "You can leave your shoes on the bench there and go on in�she's expecting you."

Clay thanked the receptionist and slowly approached the doors, noticing the music coming from the studio. Hmmm�Sting�Brand New Day. Great song. He saw her then, through the triangular windows set into the doors, moving effortlessly. There was joy in her movement, a fluidity and grace that gave her an ethereal quality.

He braced himself against the door frame and slid off his shoes, glancing over at the receptionist, who was smiling at him.

"Don't worry�she doesn't bite."

Clay smiled and picked up his shoes. He walked over to the bench and dropped them on the floor, sliding them underneath with his foot as he took off his jacket.

"Oh, you're going to want to take off those socks, too."

"Barefoot?" He looked quizzically at her, and then down at his feet.

"It's how we dance here. You'll get used to it."

He looked for a moment through the triangular window again, and saw that the woman was, indeed, barefoot. Oh well�when in Rome. He sat down on the bench and took off his socks, stuffing them into one of his shoes. He looked at his bare feet, and wiggled his long toes. It's a good thing I showered before I came here.

The receptionist came around the desk and locked the front door. "Now you're all set. You go on in when you're ready. If you need anything, let me know�I'll be in the office doing some paperwork." She paused in front of him on her way to the hallway beyond the studio doors.

"I think I'm okay. Thanks." He watched her as she disappeared into a room down the hall, and nervously stood up. After he took a few steps towards the large doors, he quickly turned and went back to the bench, taking a CD out of his jacket pocket, stuffed it into a side pocket on his cargo shorts, then went back toward the studio again. He noticed the song had ended, and it was quiet inside. One last look before sliding the door open�she was crouched in front of a rack of CDs, running her finger along them. Clay took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

~~ * ~~ * ~~ * ~~

She turned and smiled warmly when she heard the door. "You must be my new victim." She stood and walked briskly to meet him in the center of the room, holding out her hand to shake his when she got there. "I'm Holly. I'll either be your worst nightmare or the most fun you've ever had�I guess that's up to you."

He giggled and took her hand. "Well, that's comforting. I'm Clay�Aiken."

She shook his hand firmly, then placed her other hand on top of his. "I know, John told me all about you. You think you're ready for this?"

"At this point, I think I'm ready for just about anything. I think I'm desperate."

"Desperate? I doubt that." She gave his hand one last squeeze, then motioned for him to sit on the floor as she crossed to the stereo and put on some sensual music he didn't recognize, turning the volume down low so they could talk. I know cameras add ten pounds, but maybe they can add ten years, too? He seems so much younger than I thought he would be. Definitely younger than he seemed in those concert clips that John sent me. She returned to join him on the floor, hiking up the legs of her loose, gauzy pants as she sat, revealing a delicate silver chain around her ankle and a toe ring. "Now, John has a way of exaggerating a little, so I'm never quite sure how many grains of salt I need when he's�" She noticed his knowing smile. "Of course, you know all about that. How do you know him again?"

"Oh, I've known him for about�six months? Oh no, I guess it's more like eight. Anyway, he does my hair, and sometimes he's kinda in charge of picking out what I wear."

"Oh, right. But he didn't do it today, did he?" He laughed and shook his head, running his hand through his rumpled, wavy hair. "So why don't you fill me in on the details?"

Clay smiled shyly and fidgeted a little. "Okay, the short version is�I can't dance."

She laughed. "Nonsense."

"No, really. I'm totally uncoordinated. I can't learn steps. I just feel like a total dork whenever I try�and I'm going to be going out on the road in a couple months, on tour�I know people don't really expect me to really dance up there, because they know better by now." Clay looked down, and picked a piece of fuzz off of his toe. "But, you know, I think I'd feel better, more comfortable, if I have a little more confidence when it comes to�you know�the dancing thing."

She tapped him playfully on the knee. "Looks like you found yourself the right woman, hon." He smiled, pulled his legs up, and hugged his knees. "Now, you know I'm not a choreographer, right?" Clay nodded. "I mean, I guess I could be, but I don't really believe in it. If you're not putting on a Broadway show with a bunch of dancers tapping in unison, a big choreographed routine isn't going to do you any good." She leaned back on her hands, stretching her long legs out in front of her, crossing them at the ankles. "You want to dance, not do a dance. And you can. As long as you love music, you can dance. You just need to learn what to do with the feelings the music gives you. And when you express those feelings�that's dancing."

She noticed a not-so-subtle look of skepticism on his face. "Okay, I realize it sounds hokey. Let's just do an exercise to get us started, and maybe you'll see what I'm talking about."

She stood up and put a hand down to help him up. Before she could turn to walk over to the stereo, he touched her on the shoulder. "I'm sorry. I just�I'm really kind of uncomfortable about all this. John said that you're�well, he seems to think that you're just what I need. I mean, he says you're a great teacher and you'd be the kind of person who could�how did he say it�get through to me."

She looked up at him, noticing his build much more than when he first walked into the room. He didn't seem muscular, although his shoulders were quite broad for such a slender guy. She also saw some fear in his eyes that she wasn't expecting. She ran her hand down his arm and took his hand. "It'll be fine. You're not going to be doing anything you don't want to do. This is about you�what you want. Okay?"

He nodded, and she squeezed his hand before dropping it and walking away. He watched the way the flimsy fabric of her pants swirled around her legs as she strode across the room. She tapped a button on the stereo and the music got a little louder, then, as she picked up a stool from against the wall, she turned to face him, and caught him looking at her. For just a second, before he shyly looked away, she saw the man she'd seen in the video clips she'd watched when she was considering taking him on as a student�the captivating man who commanded her attention, even on a tiny image on her computer. But he'd suddenly become the shy, awkward kid again, the one he was when he walked in the room. She looked down at the stool as she carried it, hoping the man would reappear before the night was over.

She placed the stool in the center of the room and had him sit on it, facing one of the mirrored walls. As he sat down, he remembered the CD he'd brought, and took it out of his pocket.

"I, uh�these are the songs I'm going to be doing on�um�on the tour. You know, in case you needed them."

She took it from him and thanked him, but reminded him with a wink that she wasn't going to choreograph his show. He nodded and felt himself blushing as she glanced at the list of songs.

"Close your eyes. Just sit there and listen to the music. And feel whatever you're feeling. Feel the stool underneath you, the air on your skin, the blood running through your veins�if something hurts, feel that�just be�for a little while."

Clay put his hands in his lap, and closed his eyes with a sigh. The music was unlike anything he'd ever heard before. It was women singing a capella, only it didn't seem to be in any language he could recognize, although some parts sounded like French. It was rhythmic and exotic, and he began to tap the fingers of one hand against the other.

She softly stepped away from him, letting him relax and enjoy the music. She put the CD he'd given her on a side table and turned a knob on the wall to switch on the ceiling fans, and she smiled when she saw his expression change slightly as the breeze hit him. That's it. Pay attention. What else do you feel? She walked along the mirrored wall and rested against the barre fixed in front of it, watching him intently, waiting for the music to quietly take him.

But that would have to wait.

Clay opened his eyes. "This music is really great. What is it?"

Holly let out a playfully exasperated sigh as she walked towards him. "They're called Zap Mama. I chose this album because I figured you hadn't heard it before. Now, put out your hand." He looked confused. "Put out your hand, young man!" He held his left hand out flat and she softly slapped it, then pointed a tsk-tsk finger in his face. "Now, when I say close your eyes, you keep 'em closed. Got it?"

He smiled and closed his eyes again. "Yes, ma'am." She swatted him on the thigh before walking away again. She waited until she knew he wasn't looking, and then returned to stand silently behind him, watching him in the mirror.

A new song started, bouncier than the last, and this one in English.

The boat goes to the bottom
To the bottom
The boat goes to the bottom
The people don't care, standing in the middle of
The boat goes to the bottom
Down down down
To the bottom

His brow wrinkled slightly at the strange lyrics, the thought of such a happy-sounding song about people who were about to drown, but his shoulders weren't concerned with the deeper meaning of the lyrics. They moved just slightly�forward and back, side to side, together and independently�enough to show that his body was enjoying the music as much as his mind was.

"That's it�just keep feeling the music. Let me tell you something about you." She walked up close behind him, talking just loudly enough so that he could hear her over the rhythmic harmonies washing over him. "You love music�your body loves it. Your body has its own way of moving to the music, an effortless dance you don't have to think about. It's inherent in you�the joy you experience when you hear music, and when you perform." She saw the smile in his reflection across the room. "Now, choreography�that's your body's enemy. That's somebody else telling you how you should be dancing. Telling you what's 'right.' Your body, your dance, comes naturally. It's already 'right.' What you do naturally�there's nothing wrong with it. But a choreographer would tell you otherwise, because they want to control you�and you're too strong for that."

It all sounded a little strange to him, but she was making sense. Just as the music had affected him, her voice and words were affecting him. While his body continued to sway with the music, his mind was focused on her. He could feel her standing behind him. She wasn't touching him at all, but even with his eyes closed, he knew she was very close to him. He was so aware of her presence, he could almost make out her shape against his back. Then a shiver ran through him as she spoke directly into his ear.

"All those times you thought you were clumsy�all those times you felt awkward�all those times you couldn't get a step right�your body and mind were fighting for control. Your mind wanted to follow the instructions that were given to you, but your body�" She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in closer. "Your body was feeling the joy of the music and wanted to express itself. It knows what it wants, and it's going to get it. The only thing that can keep your body from getting what it wants is your mind."

Clay felt a little dizzy. His body seemed, at once, to be rigid and melting under her touch. Everything else in the room disappeared from his consciousness�the music, the breeze, even the stool he was sitting on. All that existed was her words and her touch.

"Our bodies work so hard for us. They keep us going. They take care of us. They give us so much�and it's important that we give them something back every so often. Dance is a great way to do that. It's not complicated, you can do it anywhere, and it feels fantastic. Not everything that feels good is that simple. You can't let your body rule you all the time, but you have to let it take over every once in a while. You just have to. It deserves it."

She removed her hands from his shoulders, whispered for him to keep his eyes closed, and crossed to put in another CD. He leaned forward, holding his head with his hands. This wasn't exactly what he was expecting when he came here for a dance lesson. What was that? What is she talking about? Is this about dancing, or�

"Ah, here he is�" She found the CD she was looking for and replaced the one in the player. "I'd originally thought we'd stick with Zap Mama, but I just have a feeling about you�I think this one will work. Can't go wrong with Marvin."

Oh, mercy mercy me
Oh, things ain't what they used to be

"And now, for your first lesson�are you ready?" She took her place behind him again, grinning when she realized his eyes were still closed. Such an obedient student. "Open your eyes for a bit, okay?"

He opened his eyes and looked at the two of them in the mirror. She was earthy, but elegant, and he seemed out of place, with his baggy khaki shorts and rugby shirt. Way to go, Clay. Once again, I'm dressed like a little boy. Next to her, I look like�God, I'm a goofball. She put her hand on his back, which caused him to suddenly sit up straight.

"Here's what I want you to think about tonight�well, for the next couple weeks, actually. Your spine." She ran her finger from just above his tailbone all the way up to his neck. "All movement begins�here." She placed her hand flat against the small of his back and held it there. "Listen to Marvin, and move however your body wants to move�just be mindful of the movement. Try to visualize how each movement originates right here, under my hand, and travels upward to your shoulders. Let your entire upper body move...just let go and see where it takes you. Remember, you can't do anything wrong here. Not with me." She rubbed his back in a little circle, then patted him before walking back to the barre in front of him. "Okay, go to it. Close your eyes if you want to. If it makes you feel more comfortable to pretend I'm not here, that's okay, too."

Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas
Fish full of mercury
Oh, mercy mercy me
Oh, things ain't what they used to be
No, no

Clay tried hard to concentrate on the music, but she made him so nervous he'd thought he'd never get through the rest of the lesson. He kept his eyes closed, but her presence was too strong to shut her out. Holly realized he needed more guidance, or else this week's work would be wasted.

"Let's try something for a minute�just a little something to help you be more aware of your spine." She began to slowly walk towards him, and as he sensed her getting nearer, he felt his cheeks flush. "Visualize your spine as something really flexible�like a blade of grass, or a rubber band. Imagine holding a piece of rubber band in your fingers, and holding one end still while you tip the other end up and down�you're creating a ripple, a little wave that runs along the rubber until it reaches the other end. Like pushing down on the corner of a waterbed. Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you see it?" He nodded. "Your spine is a long, flexible cord�it can move in any direction you want it to. For right now, I want you to imagine a cord moving like a snake, from side to side, starting at the bottom and moving upwards. Just picture it for a bit." She went behind him, and placed her hand on the small of his back again. "Now that cord is your spine. I'm holding this end, and the wave is moving upwards to your head. Start by concentrating right here under my hand. I'm talking about tiny movements, nothing too elaborate." She could feel the muscles in his back beginning to shift. "There you go. That's it. Now, when you feel ready, make the movement a bit bigger, and let it flow up your spine."

Clay's back relaxed under the warmth of her hand, and he began to move. The combination of the music and her whispered encouragement inspired waves of movement and pleasure to travel up his spine. By the time the next song started, he was lost in the moment, his shoulders rolling, his head rocking from side to side.

Oh don't go and talk about my father
God is my friend
He made this world for us to live in, and gave us everything
And all he asks of us is we give each other love.

He opened his eyes when he realized that she was no longer touching his back, and saw her across the room, dancing by herself, quietly singing along. Her eyes were closed, and her movements were similar to his own, but the waves were taking her entire body along for the ride. He glanced at himself in the mirror, then back at her. My God, it sure does look better on her. As he watched her hips rolling from side to side, like a hula dancer in slow motion, he felt himself beginning to mimic her movements, as difficult as it was to do sitting down. When a new song filled the room, she ran her hands through her dark wavy hair and turned towards him, opening her eyes. She smiled as she realized that he'd been watching her, and she moved closer to him.

They began to dance together, although he was still seated and she was free to move around him. She'd had moments like this before while teaching, when everything seemed to fall into place, and her student had finally begun to realize he might have it in him, but there was something more here. The man had returned, she could see it in his eyes. This was who was now dancing with her. Playing with her. Reaching towards her with his arms, and smiling when she'd stay just far enough away that he couldn't touch her.

Baby I got sick this morning
A sea was storming inside of me
Baby I think I'm capsizing
The waves are rising and rising

Clay was so focused on her that it didn't occur to him to be embarrassed by the song that was playing. Sexual Healing would have made him want to sink into the floor only a few minutes before, but now he was completely comfortable. Their eyes were locked together as she backed away from him towards the mirror, and when she reached the barre, she spread her arms along it and smiled at him.

"You are�you're just fantastic. How do you feel?"

Shocked back into reality, he thought for a moment. I feel like maybe I shouldn't get up just now. "Um...I feel pretty good. Better than when I got here, that's for sure."

She looked over at the clock on the wall just as the song was ending. "Oh man, was that an hour already?"

"So�we're done, then?" Clay suddenly felt deflated. He didn't want to leave.

"For now. We'll pick this up right here next week. I'm afraid you're gonna really get to know that stool." She winked at him, and noticed his surprised expression. "Only for a few weeks, I promise. I have my reasons, trust me. I just need to get you focused on the core." She put one hand on her lower back and the other on her belly. "You're going to be really good at moving this around before you start worrying about what to do with those feet."

He laughed and stood up, and headed toward the bench where his shoes and jacket were. "Wow�why am I so tired?"

"Oh you're just working muscles that you've never worked before. Or, at least, you haven't worked too often. You might be a little sore tomorrow, but it'll go away the more you practice."

"Practice?" He slid on his socks and stepped into his shoes.

"You're going to practice once a day. You can decide for how long, and what music you use, but you're going to find a spot where you can sit down and relax and you're going to move�just like you did tonight. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame. "Now, you'd better stop that. I know I'm old enough to be your�older sister, but I'm not a ma'am. Got it?"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just always call my teachers that. But I won't say it any more, I promise."

She couldn't believe it. The man had been replaced by the kid again. "Maybe you shouldn't think of me as your teacher. Try to think of me as just the woman who's going to help you unleash your...whatever's in there. But I still get to boss you around." She unlocked the front door.

Clay stood up, putting on his jacket. "Deal." He walked towards the door, and paused close to her. He wanted to hug her, but decided against it. "So, I'll see you next Wednesday, I guess. Thanks a lot. It was...great."

She smiled up at him, and put her hand on his arm. "Yes, it was. And next week is going to be even better. I'm looking forward to it."

Clay walked backwards towards his car. "Me, too." You have no idea how much.

go to The Dance -- Chapter Two

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