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2004-06-30 - 8:46 p.m.

For any of these songs, you might want to read the complete lyrics as well as give them a listen. Best way to find song lyrics, if you're not used to looking for them, is to Google them. The song title with the word "lyrics", and maybe the artist if you're having trouble narrowing it down�and voila. If you're not familiar with the songs in the chapter titles (or even the song "The Dance", for that matter), you might want to look them up too.

Chapter 1

Brand New Day, Sting, Brand New Day
I know this one didn't have lyrics in the story, but I wanted to talk about it anyway. Fantastic song about getting back on track after being hurt�and a lot of fun to jump around to.

Bottom, Zap Mama, Adventures in Afropea 1
Everyone needs this album, period. If you haven't heard them, you want to. Gorgeous music, gorgeous women.

Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) and
God Is Love, Marvin Gaye, What's Going On
Sexual Healing, Marvin Gaye, Sexual Healing
Come on, it's Marvin Effing Gaye�no explanation necessary! ;o)

Chapter 2

Let It Down, George Harrison, All Things Must Pass
One of the sexiest songs I've ever heard in my life. It's got soft, seductive verses alternating with a pounding chorus that knocks the wind right out of me. And it's George Harrison, so�well, there ya go.

Chapter 3

No More I Love Yous and
Take Me To The River, Annie Lennox, Medusa
God, Annie Lennox is cool. First two songs off of one of her best albums. (Interesting side note�the last song on Medusa, Something So Right, could be Holly's theme song. Oh, and I realized yesterday that Medusa's a 19Ent/Simon Fuller endeavor. Who knew?) Both of these songs are about being hurt in love, and yet dancing to them (especially Take Me To The River) is a liberating experience, even for Holly�okay this is getting too deep. Let's leave it at "Annie Lennox ROCKS."

Little Red Corvette, Prince, 1999
Lordy, lordy�when Prince is good, he's very very good. 'Nuff said.

And She Was, Talking Heads, Little Creatures
What can I say about David Byrne's songwriting but b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t. And it's another song that's pretty much about where Holly is headed, if you feel like examining it that closely.

Walking On Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves, Katrina and the Waves
Okay, so it's goofy and silly�but you try listening to it and not dancing, I dare ya.

Chapter 4

Don't Stand So Close To Me, The Police, Zenyatta Mondatta
Time After Time, Cyndi Lauper, She's So Unusual
Faithfully, Journey, Frontiers
80s music rules so much, don't it? I know I never said how old Holly was, but her taste in music should give you a general sense of that.

Chapter 5

Cruisin', Smokey Robinson, Blame It On Love and All the Great Hits
Big thank you to Cella for putting this song in my head one night, 'cuz it never left. Lyrics simply too perfect not to use.

Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, The Four Seasons, Frankie Valli - Greatest Hits
This song has been associated with Clay in my head ever since I dreamed about singing it to him. Lyrically, it certainly made sense in the story�but musically, it fit even better, because of the rhythm of it. Next time you listen to it, imagine dancing to it with someone you love.

If You Love Me, Brownstone, From The Bottom Up
I first heard this song (and this group) in the movie Living Out Loud (Holly Hunter, Queen Latifah, etc), and it's been one of my favorites ever since. Not only is it a song you can't help but dance to, but it's got a seriously sexy rhythm to it�and then those lyrics. Whew!

Your Body is a Wonderland, John Mayer, Room For Squares
So hot it should be illegal. John Mayer, no matter what he does for the rest of his life, will always hold a place in my heart for writing "One pair of candy lips and your bubblegum tongue." A song about exploration for a scene about exploration�which leads us to�

Let's Get It On, Marvin Gaye, Let's Get It On
�a song about gettin' it on for a scene about�well�you know. Again, it's Marvin Gaye�and ya just can't go wrong with Marvin.

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